
Best Tech Moments of 2011

No 2. Google+

Accept it, Google+ quickly rose to tremendous heights and then stayed there; at heights much below Facebook still. ‘Facebook’ because, Google+ was touted as a Facebook killer by anyone who was blessed enough to receive a personal invite to the closed Google+ beta, be it tech experts, bloggers or your typical user. But, Google+ was a great achievement in technology itself and given that Google had so much invested in it and also given their previous ‘social’ failures, who knows Google+ might come back with a bang.


No 1. iPhone 4S

Any contenders? Like it or not, Apple’s next iPhone was the most anticipated technology product of the year 2011. Rumors and lost prototypes in bars skyrocketed the already immense hype surrounding this almost-made-legendary iPhone; if it would indeed had been an iPhone 5 instead of iPhone 4S, legend would have been born. Coming with Siri, the artificial intelligence assistant, believe me when I say it, iPhone just started the future; voice recognition technology just got a kick it needed and now talking and fully voice-responsive and voice-controlled computers and robots are just a little time away.


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