
Top 10 PC games of 2010

No 6. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Sequels: 4

Returning back to the sands of time timeline, I personally liked this game. It received 78 on metacritic and was pretty well received by the critics, overall. “Ultimately, The Forgotten Sands feels like an HD remake of the original Sands of Time” said, and I agree 100% with this one. This is a good return to the lighter side of the Prince, that places it at number 6 spot in our list.


No 5. Assassin’s Creed 2

Sequels: 5

Released a bit late on the PC, Assassin’s creed 2 is a sequel to the highly acclaimed Assassins creed released back in 2007. It’s DRM caused quite a few problems for the gamers, for it required them to be connected to the internet during the whole duration of the gameplay, but the crackers eventually found their way around this and now gamers are quite relieved, I must say. With another sequel confirmed and slated for release by the end this very year, the series is sure to continue for some time to come.


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