
Top 10 PC games of 2010

No 8. The Sims 3: Ambitions

Sequels: 3

Holding number 8 spot in the list is a game that has been going on for ages, atleast that’s how I think. Released in 2000, the original game is one of the best-selling PC games of all time. The list of sequels or expansion packs for that matter, is endless and this too, pretty much counts as a sequel. The Sims 3: Ambitions released in June, is again an expansion pack for The Sims 3. It holds the number 8 spot in our list for being one of the most persistent games out there.


No 7. Blur

Sequels: 3

The only racing game and till now the only non-sequel game on our list, developed by Bizzare Creations, scored a good 83 on metacritic. It received 8.0 on Gamespot and was awarded a “Decent” 7.0 by IGN. With its rare gameplay mode and its awesome rewarding system, the game will keep bringing you back for one another go.


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