
Top 10 gadgets 2010

No 2. Xbox Natal

Now known as Kinect, it was known as Project Natal before this year’s E3. This peripheral for the Xbox360 is set to launch in November this year. There is hardly anyone who games and doesn’t know about Natal, unless he has been living under a rock. Sony and Nintendo revealed similar peripherals for the first time in this year’s E3 too, but Kinect looks way more cooler. It’s currently available for pre-order at various websites for $150.

No 1. 82-inch 3-D Readrt DLP TV

3D has taken the world by storm, as it looks and fittingly the number one gadget in our 2010 list is a 82-inch 3D TV from Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America. It will cost around $4499 when released. Well, you will still have to wear special glasses for this one, but Mitsubishi plans to bring out TVs that work both with 2D and 3D programming. That’s a talk of the future though. This 82 incher is a sure winner for Mitsubishi with its price expected to be dropping to around $3000 by the end of 2010.

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