
Top 10 Forum Plugins for WordPress

No 2. Embeddable Forums

This simple to use and install forum plugin comes in at number 2 in our list. It can automatically detect your current WordPress theme and render itself accordingly. This plugin is one of the easiest methods of integrating a forum or a message board with your blog. It really steals the show by allowing for global logins through Facebook, Twitter, Google etc, although, this can be a negative point for some. also allows for sharing of topics from the forums onto social networking sites.

Go here to download.

No 1. Simple:Press

“A feature rich, completely integrated and fully scalable forum plugin for WordPress”, Simple:Press has been around for several years and has a good size of community supporting it. The plugin is totally customizable and it allows your blog users to use their forum without any additional sing-ups. Its features include private messaging, post ratings, user rankings and badges, topic subscriptions, private and public forums, support for popular WordPress plugins, image and file upload tool, several skins and icon sets, and much more.

Go here to download.

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