
Apple Continues To Direct Its Support Reps: Do Not Assist With Mac Malware

According to numerous tech support insiders, the company is strongly defying any help to affected customers. In spite of evidence that a huge number of customers have gotten affected by this issue, no public statement has been made by Apple.

Calls’ volume for Mac Defender-related queries is persisting to be high. As per one Apple Care support agent, 50% of calls during the last week were related to this issue. A rep at another location said that in the initial days after Intego identified the issue, 50-60% of calls were driven by Mac Defender; now still calls are within 20-25% range.

Apple’s silent behavior makes it impossible to know as to how serious the problem is. However, the division that handles Mac support calls approximately receives between 10,000 and 20,000 calls a day. If even 25% of those calls are concerned with this issue, which has been going on for 25 days, the total number of affected customers could be between 60,000 and 120,000, and still increasing.

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