
Watch How An iPad Gets Build

You might be crazy for Apple products and most of you would for sure have thought to find out how these gods of gadgets are made. We have seen different de-assemblies of various Apple products like iPhone, iPad, iMac but we haven’t got any chance ever to check how these products are actually made and from where they come from. Rob Schmitz (surely a lucky person), got his chance to visit Foxconn’s factories that manufactures Apple products in China. He made documentaries on it including the workers wages and their hiring processes. We Although didn’t get much about the iPad creation in video but still we got a chance to see how the motherboard is made, the display is installed and the gyroscope is tested to work. The brief introduction to how an iPad is just cooked up for you before you can have a taste of it is all explained. Rob focuses to show all the details with a proper step wise documentaries, so this first step of his documentary would be focusing more on labours and their anticipation to work with this factory. We will be having other detailed documentaries soon as well! But for now lets just check how an iPad is made in factory.


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