
Top 10 Things Not to Do on Facebook

2 billion internet users and 750 million of them on Facebook; that is really telling something about Facebook, isn’t it? Today we will tell you about some of the things that you should not really be doing on Facebook, for you own good, whether through individual use or business.

No 10. Give Facebook email priority

You know to login into Facebook you have to use you real email, don’t you? So, don’t give up on your genuine email providers, they are far more reliable and facilitative than Facebook’s.

No 9. Have 2 profiles

Keeping a Personal and a Professional profile will surely get you into trouble. First of all, you don’t want you accounts to be shutdown; yes, if Facebook catches you, your both accounts will be shut down for good. Secondly, it is really really hard and complicated to update you both accounts while keeping things from mixing up. Sure, you don’t want your colleagues to have a look at you family photos; just use the Facebook privacy settings, they are infact pretty good and effective.

No 8. Like any page which gives you a free iPhone

Seriously, iPhone (or something similar) for just liking a page; you have to be amazingly stupid to believe these. Look at this page for example, Free IPHONE 4 for first 500,000 members, it has almost 25,000 likes already. It’s like they have a billion dollar to spare.

No 7. Join groups which are just a ‘statement’

Joining pages which say “Don’t Give Up On Someone That U Can’t Go A Day Without Thinking About Them” really doesn’t do you any good, does it? Being a fan of Fringe(TV Show), Tranformers(Movie) or even Starbucks is logical, and fine; you keep up-to-date on any latest happenings.  “Click “like” if you love your daughter!” really? Is it going to bring her some gifts or what?

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