
Top 10 Patents by Steve Jobs

#7. Dynamically Changing Appearances for User Interface Elements During Drag-and-Drop

The Mac’s Trash icon changes according to its status and depending upon the activities you do, you’ll notice that it changes depending on what you’re doing. It gets “full,” it turns into an “eject” symbol, or it turns into the “burn” symbol for CDs and DVDs.

#6. Staircase

Steve Jobs is among those people who hold a patent on the staircase present in the Apple Store. He was not only in love with the details of Apples’s products but also with the details of where they are getting sold.

#5. Power Adapter

The Power Adapter is among one of those products for which Steve Jobs Jointly holds the patent on it. . It’s extensible with attachment for foreign countries and even has an add-on to get a little extra length. Everyone love the Apple adapter.

#4. Portable display device

Portable display devices are also patented by the name of Steve Jobs however it recently turns out that “portable display device” is patent speak for iPad. The patently is devoid of details, most probably to keep from revealing too much when it was published.

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