
Top 10 Futuristic German Weapons In World War 2

3. Flettner Fl 282 Kolibri

3. Flettner Fl 282 KolibriThe Kolibri (Hummingbird) was the brain child of the same group that was responsible for the massive flop “Fieseler Fi 103R”. However this particular helicopter was one of the best of that time, far superior than anything the Allies had to offer to their pilots. The Kolibri flew easily even in bad weathers. The helicopter was so good that the Nazi ordered hundreds of them. But unfortunately, majority of the helicopters were destroyed by bombing on the factory. They were destroyed before they left the ground.



2. The Vortex Cannon

2. The Vortex CannonAnother failed attempt to create a super weapon was the Vortex Cannon. The notion behind the weapon itself was let’s just say “misguided”. The general idea was to shoot down planes from the sky using tornadoes. It was destined to be a disaster and as no photos of the machine exist so it is likely that the invention never made it to the final design phase.


1. The Ruhrstahl X-4

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt may seem strange that a missile tops the list but it’s not the missile itself, it is the technology. The missile was basically a TOW missile, tuned to the frequency of the bomber’s engine. It was controllable missile. Although the Nazi never used this technology on their planes but it is used today to shoot down enemy planes. So we can be thankful to the Nazi firstly for not using such missiles and secondly for opening doors to modern day missile technology.


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