

These are the tips for securing your bank accounts from the hackers. These tips will lower the risk of hacking.

1. Be-careful when setting your Password:

Don’t use any name or number as password and another password of your other website’s login, but the uses of alphabets, numbers and symbols altogether will make strong your password. Second thing is that don’t save your password on the request of your browser.

2. Ignore Spam emails:

If u received an email about your online bank account statement then be-careful and interrogate it that is it spam or authentic email. Link mentioned in the email wil lead you to your bank’s website.

3. Whether Page is secure?

Make sure that the webpage open in response of the click on link is secure or not. If the URL begin with http: than its not sure that it will be secure rather the secure page will began with https:. U should not enter your password or login on unsecure webpage.

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