
iPhone Owners Key To Mobile Payments

According to a new survey carried out in U.K. by British research and consulting firm YouGov, amongst all mobile device users, iPhone owners are most open to the prospect of paying through their devices, even when it comes to all kinds of mobile banking activities.

Apple iPhones’ users showed highest interest in almost all areas. Just about half – at 46 percent — showed they would pay bills using their devices; 62 percent would use their devices to transfer funds; 69 percent would confirm account balances; 45 percent would make payments to others; and 31 percent would do contactless payments.

Android and BlackBerry device users also showed healthy interest in making mobile payments as compared to their feature phone-toting counterparts; however, Apple is still way ahead of the curve.

People, in general, resist change and this resistance grows multiple folds if the change is to do with their money because of the perceived risk of fraud. Therefore, if this survey is correct, iPhone users have a built-in resistance to negative preconceptions.

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