
Get iOS 5 Beta 4 for your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch without Developers Account


  • First of all download iOS 5 beta 4 ipsw and iTunes 10.5 beta 4 in order to make your mobile device synchronized.
  • Restore iOS device to iOS beta 4 ipsw. Before setting it up, jailbreak iOS 5 beta 4 on your iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. It is not applicable on iPad 2. Boot the tethered of device after jailbreak.
  • To delete a string and a key, open filesystem of your iDevice. Here you need to download iPhone explorer for Mac or i-Funbox if you are using Windows in order to move towards filesystem.
  • ·         Now the time is to run the software and explore the path as given below:  filesystem/library/coreservices/systemversion.plist
  • ·         When you reach at .plist file, make a right click on “systemversion.plist” file and then open it with notepad.
  • ·         Delete <string>beta</string> and <key>Releasetype</key> and then save notepad.

Reboot your device till it is jailbroken. That’s it. Now your device will works on iOS 5 beta 4 without making UDID registration

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