
iPhone or A Droid?

In order to purchase an iPhone or a Droid you should take a look at the reviews of those users online who have already used it and commented on them. Be carefully look at the tips that they gave regarding the purchase decision.

According to the comments of the users given online, iPhone is much better than an Android Phone. For that purpose there are seven reasons given why you should buy an iPhone:

  • iPhone has excellent battery time as compared to Android.
  • Retina brings out a nifty little change with the pixels being removed and the visual gaining an edge in iPhone 4.
  • The Apple Apps store has over 350,000 apps for iPhone while for Android there are only 150,000 apps in the market.
  • iPhone users can freely update iOS whenever they want, but for Android you need to wait for months for a new version for update.
  • You can get excellent iPhone experience for $50.
  • There are lots of applications like video conferencing, latest update to Skype and others in iPhone 4, while in Android not all the apps work well with every model.
  • The IPhone has a really solid design while the Android is covered in flimsy plastic and feels cheap.

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