
How to install free Sophos Anti-Virus on Mac?

Sophos is freeware antivirus software for the Mac. It is open source software and works well in providing sufficient protection against the viruses and threats.

Sophos is equipped with many features such as custom scans, demand scan, and removing the threats. To install it in your Mac, you need to have 150MB free disk space and 256MB RAM in your Mac. Follow the given procedure to install the Sophos on your Mac.

  • Download and Launch the Sophos by double clicking its icon. Hit the button of Continue to begin the installation.
  • This will display a Read Me Window. Press the button of Continue to proceed with the installation.
  • A Sophos Antivirus Updates screen will appear. Simply hit the Continue button.
  • Now in Installation Type window, Click on Change Install Location to change the location of installation. If you don’t want to change the location, press Install.
  • Wait for the few minutes to get the installation completed. When it gets finished hit the button of Close to exit. With this the Sophos start running and scanning the files in the background.

After the Sophos gets finished with scanning, open it and press the option of open Quarantine Manager to see the threats.

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