
Turn iPhone into mini iPad

When you use your iPhone, there are different types of applications which make its use richer. These applications have played an important role to make iPhone a valuable smart phone in mobile market. There is an application which is called SBRotator available on Cydia store.

  • If you install this application in iPhone, you can use your iPhone in landscape mode giving you a look of iPad.
  • After having this application on iPhone, you can adjust the iOS icons and fit them into the horizontal iPad-style layout.
  • It also adds an additional row of icons in your phone and you can hide the icon names like as well.
  • When you install this application on iPhone, it requires jailbreak.
  • The most interesting part of this application is that it makes your iPhone look like a mini iPad.
  • When you keep your phone into landscape mode, it changes the shape and becomes like a smart tablet.
  • There were number of things which made iPhone a perfect choice, now this application has made more worth to it.
  • You can have this application on your iPhone by paying a little amount and it only requires jailbreak to start working.

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