
Top 10 Places To Try Something New

7. Trek the newest hiking trail: Israel

7. Trek the newest hiking trailThe aim of this trail was to attract the Christians as the trail follows the footsteps of Jesus Christ himself. It starts in Nazareth and through hills and olive trees, leads into the ancient town of Capernaum. Other stops include the verdant Jezreel Valley, Beit Qeshest, Oak Reserve and the slops of Mt Arbel before it ends in the Sea of Galilee. Total length is roughly 63 km. Many replicate Jesus by covering the trail on horses (Jesus rode a donkey).  Israel’s Ministry of Tourism site,, has much more info on the trail and stops along the way.



6. Visit the newest country: Sint Maarten

6. Visit the newest countryTechnically speaking South Sudan is the world’s newest country; however, barring active war zones, the newest country is the Sint Maarten in the Caribbean. It was a territory of the Netherlands Antilles till 2010 but now it is a independent country rich in natural beauty. It has long pink sand beaches and sparkling seas with amazing colonial towns and the warm waters of Simpson Bay. You can visit for further details.



5. Visit the newest city: Songdo, South Korea

5. Visit the newest cityA new city is rising in the west of Seoul around 65 km to the west in the South Korea flatlands. The city is being design to replicate some of the major landmarks of the world such as Central Park New York, the Venice canals, more like the city of Las Vegas. However the city will also showcase some of its own signature structures such as the Incheon Tower which will have 151 floors. The city will be finished in 2015 but Sheraton Hotel is open if someone is curious enough to go visit the place.



4. Explore the newest frontier: Outer space

4. Explore the newest frontierIf you ever wanted to be an astronaut and due to some reason never got there then worry not, many private companies are planning to have lift-off for a trip into outer space. Leading the notion is the Virgin Airline that made space travel possible for ordinary citizens, at least for the ones who can afford the $200,000 flight. The trip is to be 2.5 hours long with 6 minutes of weightlessness experience. The passengers are to receive 3 days training before the lift off. See for more details.


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