
Top 10 Nuclear Powered Military Machines

Nuclear powered machines can stay under water for decades or can stay over it for even longer, without ever needing for refueling any soon. The only military vision left unfulfilled would be of a nuclear-powered aircraft because of the problems related to shielding of the crew from radiations. Nevertheless, aircraft carriers and submarines are big enough to do that effectively. Today, we take a look at the world’s top 10 nuclear-powered military machines.

No 10. Type 093 Shang class

The Type 093 are the PLA(People’s Liberation Army, China) Navy’s second-generation nuclear-powered attack submarines. To date, only two boats have been launched while many are under construction or planned. A total of 6-8 boats of the class are planned.

No 9. Le Terrible (S619)

French Navy’s  strategic nuclear submarine, Le Terrible (S619) was launched in 2008. It can carry a crew of 101 people. Weird name though; “terrible”.


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