
Top 10 Manhunts

Here are some of history’s most notorious manhunts, they all managed to evade the law for some time and caused a media frenzy when finally caught.

No. 10 Osama Bin Laden

It’s been 13 years since 1998 African embassy bombings the U.S. had been after bin Laden. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates on one occasion confessed that there had been no dependable information for years as to his location.

All according to the information provided by the U.S. government and as noted from the TIME magazine, “It was generally assumed that Bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan, and that’s where 52-year-old Coloradan construction worker Gary Faulkner was in custody while looking for him in June 2010. Sent, he says, on a mission from God, Faulkner was found toting a 40-in.-long sword, a pistol, night-vision goggles and a pair of plastic handcuffs. According to Faulkner’s brother, the wannabe bounty hunter had, during his six trips to the country, found a cave and “a bearded man in a white robe speaking on a walkie-talkie.” But it turns out, Faulkner wasn’t that close.” According to Americans on May 1, 2011, Bin Laden was killed by U.S. special operations forces in Abottabad, Pakistan, 35 miles north of the capital, much farther from the Afghan-Pakistan border than most people, including Faulkner, believed.

But as we reach Abottabad, the inhabitants of the city reported that there was no Osama, Americans played some sort of game, no bodies were recovered, and no post-mortems were ever conducted. Rumors say that an American helicopter was crashed in the near the vicinity and they made story of Osama bin Laden. Rest we leave on God Almighty to do the justice.

No. 9 Theodore “Ted” Kaczynski

Ted Kaczynski was born Theodore John Kaczynski on May 22, 1942 in Chicago, Illinois. It became quite obvious at an early age that Ted was exceptional as an intellectual. When he was ten years old, he took an IQ test and scored a 170, which is fairly extraordinary in-spite of the identified shortcomings of such institutionalized intelligence testing. He was allowed to skip two grades in high school and graduated in 1958 to become a student at Harvard University, majoring in mathematics. The 18-year search for the Unabomber was the U.S.’s best and most exclusive hunt for a serial killer.

No. 8 Ned Kelly

The Australian bushranger became one of the country’s first folk heroes, appealing to the downtrodden poor who were fed up with their colonial British rulers. Declared outlaws after killing three policemen, Kelly and his gang lost themselves in the southeastern Australian bush, robbing two banks and, in one episode, burning the townspeople’s mortgage contracts. Finally cornered by police in the town of Glenrowan, the four members of the Kelly gang emerged in enormous homemade suits of armor, lurching toward petrified policemen as bullets bounced off their chests. The armor did not cover Kelly’s lower half, though; he was shot in the legs and, unlike the rest of the gang, captured alive. Kelly was hanged on Nov. 11, 1880. The story goes that his last words were, “Such is life.”

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