
Set up Wi-Fi Hotspot in Jailbroken iPhone

If you want to set Wi-Fi hotspot into your iPhone device then you need to have two things: jailbreak your iPhone and secondly ingenious application. Probably everyone from you wants to access Wi-Fi from anywhere. So, today you will see how to turn on your iPhone to Wi-Fi hotspot. Let’s see!

  • After jailbreaking your iPhone and go to Cydia App store. With various jailbreaking methods, you have an option to install it. After installation you will be in and if you are visiting store first time, you have to tell who you are. Choose “User” option and you will be able to access store.
  • Tab on search icon and write “MyWi” in search box. It is an iOS app that lets you for sharing the 3G connectivity with other devices. You must have an account on Amazon or Paypal to purchase it. Get it and install on your iPhone.
  • You iPhone will reboot after installation. Once it turns on, tap in MyWi icon and it will open. To set Wi-Fi hotspot, switch the Wi-Fi tethering toggle to “On”.
  • Open wireless interface of your iPhone device and choose the iOS device name that you have installed in MyWi. That’s it! You are done with all. Enjoy chat and play your favorite contents.

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