
Rumor: iPhone 5 Camera System Undergoing Redesign

Indeed it’s the leaks that make technology interesting.

On Wednesday, a part supplier leaked beliefs that Apple is redesigning the camera flash for the iPhone 5. According to reports, the company has “significantly reduced” the number of orders from Philips for the LED flashes used in the iPhone 4 over the past one to two months.

The rumor has it that iPhone 5 camera will now have new parts designed that separate the camera sensor from its flash. Changes to the sensor itself may have also necessitated the move. Apple is reported to be using an eight-megapixel CMOS sensor from OmniVision that would be more sensitive than in the past.

Apple is rumored to be starting production in July for the next iPhone and would likely be winding down the majority of its part production soon as possible to make way for the new device.

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