
Quick access to iPhone and iPad settings

Icon settings shortcuts allow you to quick access on iPhone and iPad settings. You can install or create different shortcuts on your iPhone or iPad to access variety of functions in quick way. Different iOS folders and bookmarks are used to have quick access for iOS settings by creating shortcuts on your devices. This process is very simple and easy to do. You do not need to install anything special, but create few shortcuts. Here are those steps which can help you in making shortcuts for quick access to iPhone and iPad settings.

  • As you know there is no need to install any special software or application, you just need to launch Safari on iOS.
  • When it will open up a window, you will scroll down to this page. It will show you a list of settings names, which are actually shortcut icon settings. You can click on these names and it will create icon shortcuts to the settings. These icons will give you quick access to iPhone and iPad settings.
  • You can drag the shortcuts into a folder, or simply keep them on main screen. Some common and useful icons are network, software update, brightness, Bluetooth, and Wifi.

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