
Mini Projector For Your iPhone 4/4s

A mini projector for your iphone 4/4s comes out from “Sanwa Supply”, a Japanese Company which makes accessories for phones as well. Well if you are out at some meeting or for some project no doubt this little project could be of great help for you. You would be able to run your power point or docs or even it would be amazing to watch a movie or pictures on your iphone via it.

The Micro projector is actually just like a casing of your phone in which your iphone fits in. It has fair usage of battery where you could have projector usage up to 2.5 hours with 5 hours of complete charging. The good part is if you are not using the projector it could be served to charge your phone’s battery as well.

The Mini projector produces 640×360 resolution images, 1000:1 contrast with 65 inches size display. Total weight of the mini projector is 105g which would become a  little heavy with your iphone on it i.e a total sum of 243g to carry, still not bad with what your are getting with it. The total cost of the projector is $260.

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