
Links are available to download iTunes 10.5 Beta 2 for Windows and Mac

Few days ago, Apple Company released iOS 5 beta 2 for Apple registered developers. One more achievement that Apple has made alongside releasing iOS 5 beta 2 is new beta version iTunes. That new version was iTunes 10.5 beta 2 and available to download from Apple official website. Yeah! You all iTunes users would surely be happy after listening about this release.

Well! iTunes 10.5 beta 2 comes in market with little improvement in performance and big fixes. To make upgrading your iOS device to iOS 5 beta 2, you will need to get iTunes 10.2 beta 2. There are many iClouds features that public iTunes 10.3 beta does not support. iTune 10.5 beta 2 is applicable to give support for those iCloud features.

Please make sure, devices that contain iOS 5 beta 1 could not be sync. iOS 5 beta 1 will need to use iTunes 10.5 beta 1 instead of iTunes 10.5 beta 2.

As the new beta iTunes version is available only for registered developers. Yet free links are available for those non-developers who want to try iTunes 10.2 beta 2.

Download links
iTunes 10.5 Beta 2 For Mac Operating system X:

iTunes 10.5 Beta 2 For Windows (32 bit) :

iTunes 10.5 Beta 2 For Windows ( 64 bit):

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