
How to use Google + from iPhone

If you have received invitation from Google for using Google + on your iPhone, you can enjoy then a lot of interesting things with it. Google + is social network which is getting popularity along with many other social network sources. You can do interesting stuff on Google + like update latest information as your status, check other contact’s posts and stories and many more. On your iPhone, if you have accepted the invitation, you can quickly and easily access this application. These are the steps that will tell you how to access Google + and use it from your iPhone.

  • First you will go to from your phone browser and now you will log into your Google account by using Gmail address.
  • When you logged into your account, you will see more tab at top right, tap on it. Now you will see apps tab, tap on it.
  • This wills show you Google +, tap on it and next window will open up. Here you can create bookmark by clicking on add bookmark and you can add it to home screen as well.
  • Now it is appeared on home screen and you just have to tap on it for opening it. You can now use it as you like to.

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