
How to read notes offline on your iPhone using Evernote

To access notebooks offline on iPhone, you need to upgrade to a premium account. Would you ever desire to use it without premium account? Here you will see how to access most important notes from anywhere on any Evernote account.

Evernote keeps everything that you need on your PC, cloud or mobile devices. iPhone device allows you to keep all important notes offline. Let’s have at look at below to see how it works

  • Go online to activate your account and install Evernote app. When you open notes, it will display all even if you are offline.
  • To make sure that which notes are ready to view offline, use “Favorites” feature. To read or view notes, click on star located at top left corner of screen.
  • To access notes, click on “Favorites” tab that is present at the bottom of screen. Here you will see all notes that you have already marked in to favorites. You can read them at anytime even if you are offline.
  • To organize favorites, click on “Edit” button and then drag any pages to order them.
  • Click on sync tab to manage any account settings

You are also free to write notes whether you are online or offline. Just make a note with desired content and save it. If your device is offline, mean not connected to internet then Evornote will save it in device and sync it when you are online.

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