
How to check RightZoom compatibility with Snow Leopard

MAC OS X Snow leopard is the most wonderful release of MAC OS for Macintosh computers. It improved performance, increased efficiency and reduced the overall memory footprint. There are bundles of applications that were rewritten for this major release to take the advantage of modern Macintosh hardware system.

You want to get rid of green and yellow default OS X buttons and move to upgrade to snow leopard?  Suppose if you are working on previous MAC OS X and now you want to shift towards Snow Leopard but you are afraid that by upgrading to OS X might stop your RightZoom app from properly working then what will you do. SnowCheck could not help you in checking the compatibility because it does not list the RightZoom. Here is a good way to determine whether it will work or not.

RightZoom is a utility that allows you to re-assign the zoom button that is located at the top left side of app windows that makes the window full screen.

BlazingTools is a free software has been updated RightZoom to be compatible to snow leopard version 1.7. You can download and then install into your MAC computer very easily. After installation test it on MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard OS X and it will definitely work as you are expecting. That’s it friends!

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