
Create Free Ringtones on your iPhone device

Are you an iPhone user and don’t know how to make free iTunes? Well! Now you are at the right place. You just need to get m4s file and add it in your iTunes. Below steps will show you complete procedure. Have a look!

  • Go to iTunes right click on your favorite song that you want as a ringtone. Now click on “Get Info” from context menu.
  • Song info screen will appear. Go to “Option” tab from menu and then check both boxes namely “Start Time” and “Stop Time”. Type value to set time in which your ringtone will start or stop. Make sure that time should not exceed from 30 seconds. Click “OK” button to apply changes.
  • Make a right click on song and then select “Covert Selection to AAC”. It will re-encode song by determining start and stop time.
  • Once encoding completes, go to your iTunes Music folder, select your songs and then paste it on desktop screen. Again move to iTunes and remove clipped version from library.
  • Right click on song located on desktop and select “Get info”. Replace extension from .m4a to .m4r.
  • Double click on file and place it in iTunes library. It should appear inside ringtones section. Great!

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