
Apple Demotes Mac To ‘Just A Device’ As Mac OS X Becomes OS X

The world is changing fast and Apple is not holding back. A confirmation yesterday from Steve jobs removed any doubts one had about Apple holding on to Mac.

In the midst of never-ending illustrations of its new products, the CEO’s remarks separated the Mac from Os X thus hinting towards a possible shift of focus from the existing state of affairs. Jobs made a similar comment in the launching ceremony of IPAD 2,” we are now in a Post-PC era.”

The strategic direction that Apple is going to take now is evident from its recent proclamations but that in no way means the production and sale of Macs is going to come to a halt.

Being market leaders in innovation and technology, Apple definitely has a point to prove and this is their way of letting the world know that PC’s (Macs for Apple) are a thing of the past and Mobile Devices are the future of operating systems.

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