
10 Ways to Speed Up Your Car


If you don’t have the kind of money to replace your carburettor with a fuel injection then their is a more economical method to get more power. Carburettors are available in various variety of different capacities. The simplest way is to replace your carburettor with a more powerful one. For instance going from two barrel to four barrel will do the trick for many. But changing a carburettor will also require change your air induction. This upgrade will cost some buck but your car will get much more horsepower. One more drawback will be of course increased fuel consumption.


Performance Chips

This upgrade is for those of you whose cars boast electronic fuel injection systems. Most of the vehicles after 1990s were equipped with fuel injections systems rather than a carburettor. This technique involves the electronic chip installed in the injection system which controls the whole process. These chips are programmed by the manufacturer for optimum performance providing a balance between power and economy. Now a lot of after market performance chips are available which can be used to crank out more power from your engine. You can buy a pre-programmed chip or get a software to program a chip to suit your requirement.



Exhaust System

As important it is to get air into the engine, it is also important to allow a speedy and efficient exit for the exhaust gases. Over the years exhaust systems of our cars get choked by deposition of carbon in the exhaust channels. This prevents complete removal of exhaust gases from the chamber seriously denting your fuel economy and horsepower. Adding glass packs in place of mufflers doesn’t help this in any way since the outlets are choked right down at the engines. In some cars there are two tailpipes but they join up with one catalytic converter which makes them a mere show off. For lightening exhaust of gases you should go for a true dual exhaust system back up to your engine. This will allow complete removal of carbon dioxide from your engine paving way for a smooth ignition. But this upgrade requires two catalytic converter which are quite expensive so you will have to spend some serious buck. Moreover local laws must also be kept in mind regarding converters and noise levels.



Turbochargers come equipped in diesel engine automobiles but you can also install one in your gasoline ride. The turbocharger uses the momentum of exhaust gases to spin the impeller which is used to compress the incoming fresh air into the engine. This compressed air is fed into the combustion chamber for the much more efficient and powerful ignition. But this bust of power comes with an equally strong price tag. A turbocharger is priced at around the $1000 and it also requires other upgrades to your air induction system. So if you are ready to spend this kind of money then you can really make your car a beast.


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