
Youtube Prankstar Gives Many Parents A Big Wake-Up Call With Social Experiment Video

child abduction experiment 1

It is sad see the many children that go missing everyday when you look in the newspapers or watch news. It is even more sad when you learn their ages and you wonder ‘how did their parents let this happen?’ This Youtube prankstar named Joey Salads is however looking to make parents more concerned about this for a change.

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In a social experiment video that has many parents around the world on edge, Joey shows just how easy it can be for strangers to abduct their children. Joey’s strategy included approaching the children with a cute dog named Donut. Unfortunately, he was easily able to lure them away from the playground, hand-in-hand, by promising them more puppies to play with and pet.

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Prior to approaching each child, Salads introduced himself to their parents to explain the experiment and to ensure that he had their permission to test their child’s reaction. As many of us would have thought, each of the parents featured in the video were certain that their child would shy away from Joey, and run back them instead, but they got their wake up call when they were proven wrong.

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Joey explains that “over 700 children are abducted a day. That’s over a quarter-million a year.”

“Are your kids safe?” he asks.

Check out the shocking experimental video below and feel free to share because this video might just save somebody’s child someday.


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