
World’s 10 Most Expensive Cities

Cost of living survey conducted by Mercer worldwide gives a startling insight into the world economies. Highest costs of livings are ‘not’ associated with metropolitans such as Ney York, Paris or London, as commonly assumed.  Here is a list of cities which are ranked as the most expensive as of 2011.

No 10. Singapore – Singapore

Average one-bedroom rental SGD $ 600 per month
Average vehicle tax SGD $ 1,000 per annum
Meal SGD $ 5


Although, Singapore is world’s fourth leading financial centre, but as a country with a total area of 700 square kilometers, it packs a surprise when it comes to costs of livings.


No 9. Beijing – China

Average apartment rent including utility costs RMB 7000 per month
Cup of coffee RMB 35
One meal RMB 20


Capital of the world’s most populous country, Beijing is a true metropolitan with a population of over 19 million, but ranks at 114 in the list of Urban Quality of Life.


No 8. New York – USA

Average apartment rent (two bedrooms) USD $ 4000 per month
Cup of coffee USD $ 3
Meal for a family of 4 USD $ 1000 per month


Big Apple, the financial capital of the world, has a population of over 8 million and is a destination of choice for a huge number of people looking for a better life. But, owning a home in New York is an expensive affair; it will cost you $15,000 per square meter of land.


No 7. Copenhagen – Denmark

Average apartment rent (three bedrooms) USD $ 2000 per month
Meals for two adults USD $ 1000 per month
Utility costs (Electricity, Internet etc.) USD $ 200 per month


Both the largest and the capital city of Denmark, Copenhagen boasts some of the best living standards in the world. It was also ranked 4th by Financial Times-owned FDi magazine on their list of Top 50 European Cities of the Future.


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