
Top 5 Mountains in Pakistan

Mountain is a large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common level of the earth or adjacent land

5)Gasherbrum I

• Known as Hidden Peak or K5 .
• K5 meaning the 5th peak of the Karakoram
• “Gasher” (beautiful) + “brum” (mountain) in Balti, it means “beautiful mountain”.
• 5th largest in Pakistan & 14th largest in the world.

4)Gasherbrum II

• Known as K4.
• 4th largesi in pakistan & 13th largest in the world.
• Located on the border of Pakistan-China.

3) Broad Peak

• Broad Peak was originally named K3 right after the naming of K2.3rd largest in Pakistan & 12th largest mountain in the world.
• It is located about 8 kilometres (5 miles) from K2.
• The First ascent of Broad Peak was made on June 9, 1957

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