
Top 10 Surprisingly Bad Things for You

7. Sunscreen:

7Well to all the women and now a lot of men too who are conscious of getting tanned by the sun, this is one interesting fact. Putting excessive sunscreen to protect oneself from solar radiation can really get back at you, one by not letting skin make the appropriate amount of Vitamin D in the body and second the chemical constituents in sunscreens can result in skin cancers also causing hormonal imbalance. In order to avoid the grave risks, do let your skin absorb a little amount of sun rays every day!



6. Citric Acid:

6Another ingredient harming the teeth and not very favorable to the dentists is citric acid. It harms the oral health by attaching itself to the enamel of the teeth, eroding it badly. Research has shown sugar free sodas as bad agents of citric acid causing heavy tooth disintegration. Nonetheless, natural citric acid should be taken in appropriate amounts to prevent the risks of malnutrition.



5. Formic Acid:

5Formaldehyde commonly known as formic acid is found in compressed wood to make furniture, plywood, cabinets, wood homes etc. It is also used as preservative in foods and it causes vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, and in extreme cases can cause death; in addition, there is limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect as well. For this reason there is a set allowable limit to be added to food according to the Environmental Protection Agency all over the world.



4. Mothballs:

4Moths and pests eat away our stuff especially delicate clothes. Mothballs are thus used to protect against the intruders. These balls have pesticide properties to kill the insects, but in addition to that the chemicals like naphthalene, found in them are very harmful. Any kind of ingestion or absorption, even inhalation should be avoided as it they are highly poisonous when ingested (they have a sweet taste, making this more likely), and cause serious illness or death. No wonder the chemical is banned in certain areas of the world!


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