
Top 10 Safest Countries In The World

7. Australia

7All the precautions and decisions taken at the right time are paying off now for Australia. Although the world economy is coming to a recession, we see Australia prospering and the economic conditions are more than just good. Due to this, the people of Australia are enjoying prosperity and good living standards which in turn has lowered the crime rate rendering Australia as one of the safest countries to live in.



6. Norway

6Norway is famous for quite a couple of reasons; it is considered one of the safest country, almost zero crime rate, friendly nature of people and helping officials who have won the hearts of foreigners. Norway provides rights and freedom of religion to everyone. Steep mountains and colored Village cottages make this country all more worth seeing.



5. Ireland

5The fifth safest place in the world; Ireland, is not only safe but you’ll enjoy the company of locals too. They are a fun company and will definitely keep you from getting bored. The country enjoys good relations with its neighboring countries. All in all, it’s a good option for those of you who are looking out for a safe country to move in to.



4. Denmark

4Yes, we know what you history geeks are thinking; Denmark was the sole reason for many conflicts in the history of Europe and we have placed it at number four. In our defense, the country has gone through a remarkable change over time and is now considered the 4th safest country in the world. Denmark provides its inhabitants with a peaceful and safe environment. It currently enjoys the lowest child poverty rate in the world too.


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