
Top 10 Obsolete Automotive Features

No 6. Automatic Seat Belts

Instead of giving you a sense of security, these made you uncomfortable and even terrified, giving you a feeling of strangulation. Thank God, these passed.

The 1981 Toyota Cressida was the first automobile to feature automatic safety belts. One of their main disadvantages was when the belts attached to the doors would unfasten in case doors of the vehicle would open during a crash, leaving the occupant prone to more serious injuries and even death.


No 5. Talking Cars

In the 80s, companies such as Toyota and Datsun started putting micro chips in their cars to let you know when you did certain things. They would tell you certain things like if your doors were open or your headlights are on. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the trend didn’t catch on.

No 4. TeleTouch

Developed in the 1950s and used on a few Edsel and Chrysler models, teletech or Push Button Transmission was infact the first edition of the automatic transmission. They operated off a cable system to engage them in gear instead of a linkage. Teletech just didn’t score well with car buyers and automotive writers.


No 3. Hood Mounted Tachometers

These were really helpful, as you in a way, you never took your eyes off the road. Started in the 1960s, they would still make a nice addition to your car today.


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