
Killer Whale Submarine

Step your fantasies aside, now you can glide through the sea like the way you want! Thanks to this “Killer Whale” Submarine. Its basically a mini submarine in the disguise of a Killer whale. The cockpit is protected by the submarine’s watertight acrylic canopy. It is powered with a 255 horsepower supercharged engine that allows it to reach up to 50 miles per hour while hydroplaning and to 25 miles per hour while cruising underwater. The submarine is as much fun as you can believe and it has a two person sitting capability. Love music?  You can dock your iPod to listen to your favorite songs while surfing in water. The submarine can dive upto 5 feet without any issues. If you want to purchase one, you can head to Hammacher Shclemmer’s website. Oh and the price? Its a heavy price tag of $100,000. Check out some of its pictures!

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