
Top 10 New Building Materials

When construction formally came into being, structures were built that served the purpose without much concern for economy. Naturally with time, economy came into play and things changed. Today it is all about economy, environment and its protection. Structures are not only designed to minimize the costs but also so that they are eco-friendly. Here are few cutting edge construction materials.

10. Recycled steel

10. Recycled steelSteel Recycling Institute has introduced some pretty convincing building materials. According to the SRI, builders are customizing the process of framing to simplify it and so that the steel beams and panels can fulfill the required specifications. The SRI vouches that recycled steel is highly wind resistant and can also handle earthquakes. A report of SRI states that around 40 to 50 tress are required for construction of a 2000 square foot house which once constructed with steel will utilize material no more than what comes from six scrapped cars. Recycling scrap steel reduces the energy produced in making the steel by 75 percent, and it saves space in landfills as well.



9. Insulating concrete forms

9. Insulating concrete formsIts an old technology given a new form as the energy saving properties are now integrated with it. The Portland Cement Association, one of the top makers of concrete forms, defines them as “cast-in-place concrete walls that are sandwiched between two layers of insulation material.” It’s like a sandwich since the concrete is place between two walls made out of insulating materials and remain in place to become the part of building. Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted a research and issued a report in which they stated that this technology saves up to 20% energy in comparison to traditional wood construction for cold climates such as that of Chicago. The research was funded by industry.



8.  Plant-based Polyurethane Rigid Foam

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOne of the best surfboard making company was fined by Environmental Protection Agency for using toxic chemicals; a surfboard maker in San Diego took a different path. He made foam that comes from plants. Ned McMahon, chief operating officer of Malama Composites, is manufacturing the foam from materials such as bamboo, hemp and kelp. This rigid foam is used in insulation, wind turbine blades, furniture and, naturally surfboards. When used as insulation, the foam offers high moisture and heat resistance, excellent acoustics and protection against mold and pests. It also has a higher R-value than fiberglass or polystyrene, meaning that it has a higher thermal resistance and insulates better.


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