
Top 10 Common Medical Myths

7. Gummed Up (Chewing gum takes seven years to pass

through your system):

7Children often are told by their parents not to eat or swallow chewing gum as it will get stuck in the food canal and never come out- never being seven years! This myth is as real as the “fruit seed growing in the stomach”. Although gum is not digestible, doesn’t mean that it will get stuck to the intestine, it simply passes along the gut in the regular fashion.



6. Arthritic Knuckles (Cracking your knuckles will

cause arthritis in later life):

6As much fun as Knuckle Cracking may seem, it should be avoided, not because it causes arthritis in the long run -as the myth suggests- but because it weakens the finger joints. The process basically moves the bones in a way to release the gas bubbles forming there, thus the popping sound of bubble bursting. Arthritis on the other hand is caused by a lot of other things, but knuckle cracking isn’t one of them.



5. Baby Teeth (teething causes fever):

5Teething babies often get a fever, not because they have a new tooth coming but because they might have taken some infection from anything that they put in the mouth; diarrhea may be another reason as well. There is however no relation between a new tooth and fever. Parents should check for other reasons before they come to this conclusion.



4. Cancer Treatment (Cancer treatment is painful and


4This may have been the case a few decades ago when medical science was not as advanced as today, when over 90% of infants died of blood cancer. With today’s innovative and unconventional researches, over 80% of children survive leukemia. Modern cancer treatments are far more effective and not that painful, making cancer a curable illness.


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