
The Top Five Mind-Blowing Robots Of 2014

The field of robotics has been improving at tremendous rates over these few years. Researchers have so far developed robots that are able to help out in fields such as medicine, engineering, space exploration, catering, and even assisting with tasks in homes. There are however a few that have really caught our attention because of their capabilities. Check out the top five of these mind-blowing robots below.


1. NASA’s Curosity Mars Rover


The Curiosity is a car-sized robot that was developed by NASA to assist with their Mars 2020 rover mission which seeks to investigate planet Mar’s environment. The robot is aimed specifically at investigating the planetary habitability in preparation for future human exploration, investigate if the selected Gale Crater site on the planet has ever offered environmental conditions favorable for microbial life, and to investigate the role of water on the planet.


2. Honda ASIMO


The ASIMO by Honda is a humanoid robot that was designed to be a multi-functional mobile assistant. It is able to walk and run, and has already made its appearance at many shows across the world to encourage the study of science and mathematics.


3. NAO Next Gen Robot


This family-friendly humanoid robot designed by Aldebaran Robotics is also a multi-functional robot with features including microphones, HD cameras, Wi-Fi connectivity, Hi-Fi speakers, pressure sensors, a voice synthesizer and much more. It has made appearances at events including the Shanghai Expo in China with a synchronized dance routine, at Robocup participating with its own football team, in the UK teaching autistic children, and even demonstrating a stand-up comedy routine in December 2011.


4. Paul the Drawing Robot

paul the drawing robot

This robot created by artist and researcher, Patrick Tresset, is a sketcher shaped like an arm that is able to draw portraits of people. It was primarily designed for Tresset’s “New Work” gallery installation which occurred in London in 2011.


5. Pepper, the emotional robot


Another robot by Aldebaran Robotics, this emotional humanoid bot is designed to be able to assess moods, and interact with humans. It is able to shake hands, dance and display messages on the display screen on it’s chest.


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