
Knowing the Proper Shortcuts for iPhone Keyboard

One of the main problems that can be related to using iPhone can be the absence of a physical keyboard attached to it. Although the touch pad that is displayed on the multifunction screen is a real help but people do find it difficult to get the message they want to type on it. Knowing few of the keyboard tricks can help the user in getting the better hang of their iPhone.

Contraction Use of iPhone Keypad:

Sometimes while typing out the contractions, iPhone changes the word to what it thinks is most suited to get a contraction added the user will need to add an extra letter to make the proper word displayed there for instance while typing out he’ll type an extra l after the e letter and it will display it as he’ll.

Website addresses completion with a Single touch:

Getting the website address or adding the .com in the end can be a real trouble, it will require tapping the “.?123” key once to get into that interface than to get back into the alphabetic order. Simply press and hold down the dot key and the .com option will get displayed. Slide your finger to it and it will be added.

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