
Revealing the list of Twitter Acronyms

Among all the social networking websites, twitter is enjoying the supreme status. It is the most actively used website by millions of users. Updating status on twitter is a norm. Twitter allows the space of 140 characters to update the status. However, on twitter there is a trend of using short forms or acronyms. Here is the list of most common acronyms used on twitter.

  • @:  usually used before the username of person to send him the message
  • RT: Retweeting
  • DM: Direct Message
  • PRT: Please ReTweet, Partial ReTweet
  • Twit: Tweet: Tweeps: Alternative options for twitter updates
  • Twitterholic: Person who is obsessed with Twitter
  • Twollower: Twitter + follower
  • Twiends: Twitter + Friends
  • Twitterverse: Whole community of Twitter
  • Tweople/Tweeple: Twitter + People
  • Twitterpreneur: Twitter entrepreneur
  • Twistory: History of twitter
  • b/c: Because
  • FTW: For the Win
  • FTL: For the Loss
  • FAVRD: To  cast a vote on textism
  • FAIL: Used when a service is not available
  • PWN: Alternative word for “own”
  • OH: Overhead
  • NSFW: Not Safe For Work
  • Twitcrush: Stating a crush on Twitter for someone
  • LMAO: Laughing My Ass Off
  • IMHAO: In My Humble Opinion
  • WTH: What the Hell
  • BTW: By the way
  • IRL: In Real Life
  • FTF: Face to Face
  • YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary
  • BR: Best Regard
  • ASAP: As Soon As Possible
  • JV: Joint Venture
  • LMK: Let Me Know
  • J/K: Just Kidding
  • FB: Facebook
  • <3: Heart

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