
Kinect + Augmented Reality = Awesomeness!

So here we are looking at the future plans of Microsoft. What Microsoft call it is next 20 years where Microsoft will take over the world. So we can hope that probably after 20 years the holographic imaging would be a common thing in peoples life. So we came by Andy Wilson, the Principle Researcher of Microsoft Research, he told that the world will be seeing a new mode of technology in next 20 years plan of Microsoft.


What he demonstrated was that he used a large mirror, behind it there was a large LCD (3 feet apart) and moreover at the top edge of mirror there was a Kinect which was totally observing Andy’s movement. So what so ever Andy does its super-imposed image came up right from LCD. Using the technology of Kinect and Windows phone Andy showed different features that one could have from this kind of setup. That is you can project a holographic image on the mirror and you can have different interactions like paddling ball etc. This is the real future we are waiting for. Watch the video to have a glimpse of future!

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