
Install iOS 5 Beta 4 update on iPhone, iPod and iPad

Recently, Apple released iOS 5 Beta 4 update for iPhone, iPod and iPad. You can use it if you are a developer, as; only developers have access to use it. Here is the process to install iOS 5 Beta 4 in your Apple device, if you’re currently with iOS5-beta 3:


  • Open settings application.
  • Strike on Update option. It’ll show you the availability of update.
  • Just accept the available update, it’ll start downloading and install it in your device automatically.

Process Completed.

Here is the alternative process if you’re not currently with iOS 5 beta 3:

  • Download iOS 5 beta 4 update for your device in your PC.
  • Download iTunes 10.4.
  • Connect your device with PC and keep its backup aside.
  • Hold ‘shift’ key for little time and press restore.
  • Now select beta 4 update and let the setup continue.

It’ll install Beta 4 update in your device.

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