
How To Land A 747 In EMERGENCY Situation!

Ever thought what if you are boarding on a plane an you find yourself in a way quite alarming emergency situation, like you found your pilot dead or there could be any mishap waiting ahead for you, all the situation is that you enter the cockpit and its all up to you now to land the flying 747. So there is something one should know, which could either way help out in such Emergency situation of landing.

Following these steps would let you land the plane safely to the ground.

Grab the Radio and inform your Emergency landing to who so ever is listening.Turn on the single channel Auto-pilot. You would see one of the button marked with “CMD”, light it. Now point the heading indicator to the direction indicated to keep the plane straight and levelled. Find the checklists present in any of the pocket of pilot or co-pilot. If the plane is 747-400 engage the auto landing system (ALS), if you can not find checklists follow these steps:

  1. Before Descent
    • EO’s system check complete.
    • Set pressurization.
    • A/c packs on. Set the Airfield altitude so the plane can be depressurized when landing.
    • Set off the Humidifier.
    • HSIs Radio. Now Switch horizontal situation indicators to radio navigate mode.
    • After that set the auto brakes.

2.  Approach Checklist

    • Make a cabin call, “Cabin call 15 minutes to landing”
    • Cabin signs and exit lights : ON
    • Set ignition ON, this will set the engine igniters for landing.
    • Fuel System: set for landing.
    • Fuel heat: Check it! It should be off.
    • QNH: Set it on, so that the altimeter reads the airfield altitude while touchdown

3.  Landing Checklist

    • Gear Check: Handle it down, handle it in, light green.
    • Hydraulics should be checked.
    • Speed brakes should be armed.
    • Landing flap should be at 25°.
    • Meanwhile SCCM’s report received: The cabins are secure for landing.
    • Now locate Jeppeson charts and locate the radio frequency.
    • Locate a Glare shield named LNAV and VNAV then find the flight management system buttons on them.
    • On the front panel there is a EFIS named control panel, use it to put Jeppeson map on 100 miles scale.
    • Between the pilots seats on the control display twist the knob until the small numbers go down to 100 ft above field elevation in Jeppeson notebook.
    • Now you are all set to land the aircraft. Press the LOC and G/S buttons present on the glare shield. On pressing them all the three lights of the glare shield will turn on and the system will automatically tune to the right frequency of ILS.
    • When the plane starts descending, Turn on the auto brakes.

Now  if the plane is not 747-400 then there would be no (ALS) so in case of that emergency landing follow these steps:

  • Retard the throttle, the four levers for four engines to lower the speed.
  • Now hold on yourself and descend the plane to 20000 feets. At reaching 20000 feet altitude pull the throttles back up.
  • Now keep in mind that you have to drop below 250 knots when you descend to 9000 feet, so keep the nose up and the throttle down.
  • When you are down to 5000 feet flaps to be out to slow down flying speed
  • When you are almost to 4000 feet, Set flaps to 5 then 15 to drop the flying speed.
  • You would want flaps 20 then 30 as descending to the runway, So keep them there.
  • On about 50 feet or so your altimeter will start talking. When it says 30 bring the throttle back to its idle state. And at about 10 feet raise the nose and slow it down.
  • Lower the nose, reverse throttle and apply brakes.

So by now it would be clear to you how to land the 747 in such Emergency situation. You are advised no to try such things at home but its something one should be knowing, as who knows how bad could happen with one.

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