
Gmail Now Lets You Decide The Fate Of Your Data After Death


We all must have wondered that what would happen to our online accounts if we died unexpectedly. A question that no one has been able to answer. Taking examples from some recent high profile examples, there is still no available solution for the treatment of your online data on your sudden death. However, the recent update to Gmail has brought with it a new feature that will allow you to decide as for how the data will be handled on your unforeseen death.

The new feature is being called “Inactive Account Manager” and it allows the user to set a number of actions if the accounts remains inactive for a certain amount of time. For example a user may set three, six, nine or twelve months of inactivity period as a limit after which the account will be automatically deleted. User can also set a notice for another email account or have their data shared with a designated contact. The data sharing component also includes other services of google suite including Google+, Blogger, YouTube, Picasa and Google Voice.

This surely sounds like a smart feature that will probably satisfy millions of Google account users. If you have a Gmail account then you can check this new feature by clicking here.

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