
EA Sports Makes Big Announcement To Add Female Players In Upcoming FIFA 16 Game

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For the first time in the series’ history, EA Sports will be including female soccer teams in their upcoming FIFA 16 game. This feat comes around at the right time as the ladies of soccer are taking great leaps. In their latest announcement, the game giants confirmed that 12 Women’s National Teams will be playable in FIFA 16 when the game launches later this year. The Women’s National Teams that will be included will represent Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Sweden and the United States.


A producer of EA Sports, Nick Channon, told Mashable that they wanted to make sure that the females would appear very accurately in the game by making sure that they did the appropriate legwork.

“You can’t just put a female head on a man’s body,” Channon said. “There was a number of things we needed to do to make sure we could do it technically. We didn’t have the ability to create truly unique body types, so that’s something we had to do to make sure we got the right shape for female players, as well as redoing body scaling.”

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To help with the execution of the female body type and movement, four players from the U.S. Women’s National Team, Sydney Leroux, Abby Wambach, Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe, were captured and copied while in full notion to provide new run, walk and jog animations for the female players.

“The way women run and men run — there’s definitely a difference, and we had to make sure we captured that,” Channon said.

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References for new player models were also created with the help of Soccer Vancouver which entered the 360-degree body scanning rig. Developers of the game have also travelled to the different countries with a head-scanning unit to create many player models using scans of the actual players faces’ in tandem with the newly wider range of virtual bodies. Channon said the extensiveness of their development can therefore allow there to be diverseness as it relates to the body types that the women to make the players look as similar in the game as they do in real life.

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FIFA 16 is expected to be release on the 26th of September for PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. The female teams will be available in the Kick Off, Offline Tournament and online in Friendly Matches.

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