
Download iTunes 10.5 beta 4 available for Windows and Mac

Another big release from Apple Company! It has introduced not only iOS 5 beta 4 but also iTunes 10.5 beta 4 for developers. It is damn sure that non developers also want to try new apple release. Apple not restricts any one to adopt its releases. Non developers can also download iTunes 10.5 beta 4 for Windows and Mac computer with any charges. What a great success for Apple!

There are few points that you should keep in your mind. Please don’t upgrade to beta firmware if you don’t know what happens after this. You will face problems if you really don’t know what you are going to do.  Secondly if you are ready to install, be aware from drawbacks that will come after installing beta firmware and software.

In order to upgrade to iTunes 10.5 beta 4, you have to re-sync all photos. If you are going to use wireless sync with Mac computer, download and upgrade to iTunes 10.5 beta 4 before making start for sync between iTunes and iOS device.

Download links available for iTunes 10.5 beta 4 Windows and Mac are as under:

iTunes 10.5 beta 4 for Windows 32-bit:

iTunes 10.5 beta 4 for Mac:

iTunes 10.5 beta 4 for Windows 64-bit:

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