
Disable Carrier IQ on iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch

In iphone, ipad, and ipod touch there is a feature of carrier IQ which helps the manufacturer to obtain the remarks of the user in case of any error or performance fall out. This sometimes seems very irritating to submit the remarks as you are in some serious matter or do not have time for that. You will find it interesting to know that you can disable the feature of Carrier IQ service. It is very simple and easy. Following are the steps to be followed for disabling the IQ service, logging and reporting on iphone  or any other device using iOS:

  1. Firstly go to the “setting” from the main menu by taping on it.
  2. In settings window select the “General” head
  3. In general setting at the end there is an option of “About”
  4. You will see “Diagnostics and Usage” tap on that
  5. A dialogue will pop up asking either to send the report or not
  6. Tap on the “Don’t Send” and you are done!

For general information Carrier IQ is network diagnostic software which is commonly installed in smart phones and tablets.

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