
Converting videos to iOS devices and Apple TV format with handbrake

Handbrake is a tool which allows ripping DVD and its latest version is also available in market. This latest video conversion tool is very handy and offer more variety like you can convert videos to iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and even Apple TV format. Handbrake tool is very easy to use and you can download it for free. Here is the guide to convert videos into other compatible formats.

  • All the iOS devices require m4v format to run videos, and handbrake allows you to convert videos in this format. First thing, you will launch Handbrake tool.
  • Here you will select the source video file you want to convert to iPod, iPhone, Apple TV compatible formats. Different formats are there like DVD, AVI, MOV, MKV, etc, select any of them.
  • From output settings, at right side you will select the device you want to optimize the video for. You can also select universal if you plan on using it for multiple iOS devices.
  • Now click on start, handbrake will convert video to the format you have chosen. When it completes, a message will appear up, click ok to finish it.

One thing, select specific option for iPad and iPod touch instead of universal, because these devices have different settings.

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